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Summer internships for students
(June-September 2018)

We are offering internships for students on a regular basis. See the available positions and topics below.

1. Structures of sensors based on thin films technology with designated use as gas sensing devices 

Superviser: Dr. Gabriel Socol

Proposed activities:
a. Deposition of various gas sensitive coatings via laser deposition techniques (PLD & MAPLE);
b. Getting acquainted with the standard physico-chemical methods deployed in the characterization of gas
sensitive coatings;
c. Getting involved in the fabrication process of various gas sensing devices;
d. Sensor testing: sensitivity, selectivity, response and recovery times of various sensors in the presence of analyte gases;
e. Dissemination of research results through scientific articles.

Minimum prerequisites:
- basic knowledge in materials physics.

2. Fabrication and evaluation of various plasmonic substrates with application in biosensing 

Superviser: Dr. Gabriel Socol (Dr. Iulia Antohe)

Proposed activities:
a. Preparing the optical fibers to be used as substrates for the synthesis of thin metallic films ;
b. Optimization of the synthesis protocol of thin metallic films on the optical fiber substrates. For this purpose, the student will evaluate two metals: gold and silver;
c. Conducting testing procedures for the as-obtained plasmonic sensors;
d. Getting familiar with data processing and analysis techniques;
e. Getting acquainted with the latest scientific and technical information related to:
(i) materials synthesis and characterization techniques;
(ii) fabrication and evaluation of plasmonic sensors;
(iii) lasers and plasma physics;
f. Dissemination of research results through scientific articles..

Minimum prerequisites:
- basic knowledge in optics and materials physics.

3. Applications of laser photoacoustic spectroscopy in life sciences and environmental studies

Superviser: Dr. Cristina Achim (Dr. Ana Maria Bratu)

Proposed activities:
a. Getting acquainted with the laser photoacoustic spectroscopy technique;
b. Taking part in experiments involving a CO2 laser that operates in the 9-11µm range ;
c. Providing accurate scientific explanations and interpretations of the laser photoacoustic experimental data yielded from the experiments;
d. Evaluating and optimizing the experimental findings for potential future innovative applications in life sciences and environmental studies ;
e. Dissemination of research results through scientific articles.

Minimum prerequisites:
- basic knowledge in optics, biophysics, medical physics and spectroscopy